Monday, March 14, 2011

Hari ini MULUS!

Presentasi Language Testing yang sudah kutunggu2 dari minggu kemrin akhirnya selesai juga. Dan berakhir dan berjalan dengan SANGAT mulus dan SUKSES!
Dosenku tersayang disepanjang aku menjelaskan tidak mengomentari apa-apa dan di akhir aku menjelaskanpun tidak menanyakan hal-hal yang sulit. Ah... >< Lega...
Presentasi yang kuanggap lebih sulit dibandingkan maju PPL pun selesai, dan untuk satu semester ke depan aku akan tenang setiap masuk kelas Language Testing... Ahhh... Terima Kasih ya Allah, telah Engkau berikan hamba kemudahan hari ini.. Tinggal TEFL dan PPL season 2 saja yang masih tertinggal.. SEMANGAT!

Yang kubahas tadi pagi kira-kira begini:


            In reading comprehension we are concerned with the testing of students who are learning reading and writing as an important skill and learning reading and writing to reinforce the other skills (strengthen their control of the oral/aural skills), such as speaking and listening.
The ability needed in reading a language include:
1.      Language and graphic symbols.
-          Comprehending the special uses of common items and understanding the meaning of unfamiliar items from the context.
-          Understanding the syntactical patterns and morphological forms characteristic of the written language.
-          Responding correctly to the graphic symbols of writing.

2.      Ideas.
-          Identifying the writer’s purpose and central idea.
-          Understanding the supporting ideas.
-          Drawing correct conclusions from the written language.

3.      Tone and style.
-          Understanding the tone of the writing.
-          Identifying the methods and styles of the author’s ideas.

A good reader is the one who can respond suitably to the language and ideas of the writing. (S)he can also achieve these understanding with reasonable speed and fluency.

            In general form of the reading test, same general type of test which used to measure the reading ability of the native speakers of English will work equally with foreign learners of the language.

1. Length.
- The passages should be in the proper length, that is between 100 and 250 words.
- There should be sufficient content to yeild at least six or seven comprehension items.
2. Subject matter.
- The subject should be clear and meaningful.
3. Style and treatment of subject.
- Reading tests should include materials of various types and styles.
4. Language.
- The language of the passage should be appropriate with the student’s language level.

1. The vocabulary and syntax of the items should be kept as simple as possible so that the real problem is the interpretation of the passage, not the questions that are asked about it.

2. The lead of the item should establish the problem, that is make clear what kind of information is being asked for.

Bad item                      Unyil......
a.       obviously liked what he heard.
b.      became angry upon hearing Usro’s words.
c.       didn’t understand what he was told.
d.      ridiculed Osro’s ideas.

Might be rewritten:
                                    It was clear from Unyil’s reaction to Usro’s speech that he.....
a.       agreed completely with what he had said.
b.      found her remarks highly insulting.
c.       freally didn’t what he had said.
d.      considered his ideas to be quite foolish.
3.    Selection of the correct answer should involve interpretation of the passage, not merely matching words in the choices with the same words in the paragraph.

Bad item                      When the writter found Roger’s house deserted, he felt.....
a.       angry
b.      relieved
c.       amazed
d.      happy
Might be rewritten:
                                    The writer mentions his surprise at...
a.       receiving a letter from Roger.
b.      learning of Roger’s illness.
c.       Seeing the appearance of Roger’s house.
d.      Finding that Roger was not home.

4.    All items should require a careful reading of the paragraph. It should not be possible to answer items correctly purely on the basis of outside knowledge or to eliminate some of the choices because they are clearly illogical or because they coflict with one onother.

Bad item
            We may infer from this paragraph that people....
a.       all need the same kind of rest.
b.      do not usually need rest.
c.       rest much more than they should.
d.      do not all rest in the same way.

Might be rewritten:
            The central idea of the paragraph is that people.....
a.       cannot maintain good health without proper rest.
b.      do not all rest in precisely the same way.
c.       tend to get more rest than they actually need.
d.      can rest better after they have had excercise.

So, all four choices appear logical. The examinee must therefore understand the paragraph to know which of them constituted the central idea.

            In reading comprehension passage, there is no rule on how many comprehension items shoul accompany the passage, but there should be a reasonable relation between the length of the passage and the number of questions asked about it.


Love Battery hari ini adalah Mr. Park Geonil..
Hehehehe... XD
Dan Miss. Park Jiyeon ><
Baby G and Baby J... *kayak anak kembar aja, hahahahahaha...
Park Bersaudara.. XP

Kawaiiiiiii... ><
Btw, ketika tidur selama 2 jam tadi malam aku mimpi kalau Album Korean CSS yang baru keluar dan kirimanny sudah sampai ke tanganku dengan selamat.. Xixixixixi...


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